Project sequence

AEconversion is your partner from the first idea for your product up to and including series production according to the OEM model. Let’s start cooperating by discussing in detail all specific requirements of your desired application. We will then prepare an individual concept and initiate development. Development as well as prototype construction exclusively takes place in Bad Sassendorf, Germany, including magnetic components. We will have the product approved for you, preparing for inspections through in-house testing. We will keep you informed extensively throughout all phases of the project. Thus, we keep development time short and make sure to meet all your requirements.

Requirements analysis & feasibility study

Let us discuss all specifications of your future product in detail. Please feel free to contact us before finalizing the specifications. We will check for technical feasibility and advise you based on long-term and first-hand experience. You will then receive an estimate of the development timeline as well as the one-time costs and costs per unit.

Concept development & offer

We will provide you with a cost-optimized concept of implementation based in line with your specific demands. Strictly oriented to your requirements, we use existing technical building blocks whenever possible. You will receive a detailed offer for development (incl. approval) and production (frame time, price per unit).

Development & Prototyping

An experienced team of experts will develop your solution in a step-by-step process: system architecture, package design and connector selection, hardware circuitry and layout, magnetic components, and software. The software includes control and regulation, external communication according to custom specifications and test programs for automated functional testing. You will be enabled to supervise every step throughout the development process, not just by way of regular project meetings. At predefined milestones, we will manufacture and test various prototypes, and make them available to you for system checks and field testing.

Validation & Approval process

We will take care of the entire approval process. Each of our products is certified by well-known, independent, and accredited testing laboratories. Prior to certification, we will have tested your device in our own in-house laboratories already and implement any necessary changes.

Series production & change management

We manufacture devices in small or large series in either Germany or China and enable worldwide delivery after a detailed inspection of each device. In doing so, we guarantee competitive prices as well as highest quality standards and impressive reliability, while meeting the agreed upon delivery schedule. We manage changes throughout the entire product life cycle, e.g., for cost reduction, in an entirely transparent manner.